TRC Property Management - Specialized for
Logistics Facilities

Providing operation and
management that deliver both specialized
expertise and diverse perspectives
TRC has extensive knowledge, gained through many years as an owner, about operations that maximize asset value while preventing damage to the value of a facility. We are also confident in our ability to respond to customer needs, which we developed through the operation of multi-tenant facilities with around 80 corporate tenants.
We will meet our customers’ expectations as a professional in real estate management of logistics facilities that can utilize and protect valuable assets.
Operation and management from the owner’s perspective - the foundation of TRC PM
More than 50 years of operation and management success
Extensive knowledge of a range of property types and a wide variety of tenants
Original expertise developed through large-size multi-tenant facilities
Capabilities to support everything from cutting-edge logistics centers to aging warehouses
Knowledge of repair and remodeling matters unique to logistics facilities
List of operation items
- Preparation
before construction -
- Construction of the management and operation system and plan
- Selection of BM and other contractors
- Formulation of facility rules and other matters (creation and advance explanation to users)
- Support for customer decisions from a management and operation perspective
- PM during the project
- Regular patrols of the contracted property
- Coordination with various contractors (BM companies, etc.)
- Handling of incoming tenants (general inquiries, construction work, complaints, etc.)
- Creation of monthly reports
- Receiving and making payments
(billing agent, payment agent, incoming payment confirmation, management of uncollected payments) - Leasing operations
- CM operations (formulation of building repair plans, handling of owner work)
- Response to emergencies
- Support operations when property is sold
- Others
- Various consultant operations related to logistics facilities
- Lectures
Examples of contracted facilities